Blaze Bail Bonds - Toms River
Bail Bondsman | Bail Bonds NJ
New Jersey Bail Bonds 24/7 Day Or Night. Easy Payment Plans. We come to you anytime, anywhere.
Blaze Bail Bonds
18 Robbins St
Toms River NJ 08753
Tel: 732 240-0101; 866 232-5293
As bail agents, we operate in the public trust. Each defendant we release receives oral and written instruction on their obligation under our bond.
Established in 2000, Blaze Bail Bonds is a family owned and operated business with offices located through out New Jersey. The company and its owners are established professionals that are committed to the bail industry and local community as well.
Blaze Bail Bonds is 100% committed to serving your entire bail bond needs. With licensed and trained agents available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our staff will guide you through the bail bond system, answering all of your questions and aiding in the release of your loved one from jail.
Our service doesn't stop once the bond is posted. Our office staff will monitor the defendant's case, up to the moment that the bond is discharged. During that period of time, we stay in contact with the defendant as well as the co-signers on each bond to ensure all parties are aware of court dates, check in procedures, defendant responsibilities, and to answer any questions that anyone may have.
Blaze Bail Bonds is dedicated to serving you and your family. Our uncompromising dedication to your satisfaction is our number one goal.
